Monday, 9 December 2013

Best facial hair removal product (hidden little gem)

Hey Guys!! So for my first beauty related post I wanted to do something a little close to my own heart and that is facial hair removal, be it creams, buffers or waxing (youch!!!)

So if like me you find that you have very noticeable facial hair, your hair growth is fast or it grows back too quickly, then my little gem I found may just work for you. You might have tried so many removal products that you’ve got a little befuddled. So here I am to basically stir you in the right direction because as a facial hair sister, I have literally been there and tested the loot.

First things first DO NOT shave that top lip…put the razor down and back away very quickly!! I made the mistake of shaving when I was a young, feeble child (I was 10 and I got excited…don’t ask) and it left me stubbly and spotty!

I used to pluck my lady-stache in my teen years, then I got older, I got wiser and realised it wasn’t really making an impact and it just bloody hurt!! So for my bushy ladies don’t try this method, you will be there all day and it will be never ending. But for my lighter less serious ladies, this may work for you so full speed (of pain) ahead! Also remember you pluck one and seven come will come to the little buggers funeral!!

Ok now buffers…I don’t want to openly criticise a product or company but I have tried buffers with creams, on their own and with waxing and they just do not work for me! I used a range of products for months and found it left me still hairy, sore and with dry skin, not attractive! So if like me you have sensitive skin you may want to steer clear. But if they work for you fabulous! Let me know what brand your using.

So waxing…yes, I tried it and yes, it hurt…a lot!! I came away hairless indeed but also with a massive red upper lip and looking like Alice Cooper, it was a mistake to wear non-waterproof mascara that day! I have been to salons and done a few home bouts and I find my upper lip is raw and tender for about two days and its very hard to put make-up over or on that area at all, so if you thinking of doing it for a special occasion maybe do it a week in advance, avoid the clown mouth and all that. Also ladies down tense, it hurts more!

Now onto the creams as a product i have tried nearly every high-street brand, so I’m all clued up. I wont openly criticise a name or brand but I will say the result was pretty much the same for all the ones I have used. I found they did give me ok results, but only when I exceeded the time on the box, so I was still left with a red and a stinging top lip, the alternative was to wait for the correct time and be patchy, not good! Some would also leave me with a gone off egg smell on my top lip no matter how many times I scrubbed it, imagine walking round with that smell all day, yum!

But there is one cream that I adore, so without further babbling I would like to say after trying and testing it for nearly a year that the Avon skin so soft facial hair removal cream is the BEST I have ever used. It has a natural moisturiser that leaves your skin soft and not dry. So if you have sensitive skin like me it really is a little gem. It also works in THREE MINUTES!! So there’s no waiting around! I would say for my hairier ladies that I usually leave it on for about five minutes just to be sure. It is also very light and has a nice smell, not gone off eggs ha ha! All you need is a thin layer over the areas to be treated and it gets to work instantly, so it lasts quite a long time too. It doesn’t leave you with a red upper lip and you can put make up on straight away if you wish without any horrible clogging on the area. Also this little beauty works on your eyebrow hair too, I have used it many times for my over growth and couldn’t be happier with the results. It’s an absolute bargain too at only £2.00!! So ladies grab yourself an Avon catalogue or go on to the website and try out my hidden treasure, you wont regret it.
Image courtesy of

I hope you have found this post to stir you in the right path of facial hair control, and also don’t be ashamed or embarrassed about the fact that you have facial hair we are only human and guess what we used to be apes so imagine trying to control that hair…wow!

If you liked my post be sure to follow me and tell your friends. I have many more planned for the future.

Take care. Roschelle xx

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